
Mobilizing our believing kin in evangelism outreach to the unreached people group.

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Malachi 玛拉基书 3:6-12

Our offering is a testimony of our trust and submission to our God from whom we received abundant grace.

Join us in lifting up our missionaries in 🙏🏼 May they be granted the resources they need, and may their paths be made smooth. May God's grace and blessings be upon them, and may their work be a testament to His love and glory.
Eat, Drink & Be Merry
Luke 路 12:13-21

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” - St. Augustine
“祢为自己创造了我们。我们的心永远无法安宁,直到我们在祢里面安息。” - 奥古斯丁
生命的倍增 Multiplying life 

He that hears and understands the Word of God is one who has faith. He believes in God, give thanks in all things and leads a sanctified life wherewith his life will multiply thru bearing much fruits.
At the Crossroad of Life 生命中的十字路口
Jeremiah 耶利米书 6:16

A ttempt
G reat things for God
A nd be
P repared to 
E xpect great things from God

(Inspiration from a church member)
[Sermon Recap: 7 Jan]
Hebrews 来 11:1-3;6
Faith is a necessity to overcome our human limitation and to connect with God
[Sermon Recap - 31 Dec 2023]
In this one and only lifetime that we have on Earth, will you seize the opportunity to bring God's message of peace, hope and love to your neighbours? 

Capturing the journey and works of our Agape 2023 Ubon Mission Team alongside with YWAM Ubon Team! 🤍 

#missiontrip #ubonratchatani #ywamubon #agape2023
2023 - done and dusted! What an amazing year it has been, witnessing God's divine works in our community. As we march into 2024, let's continue to hold on to "一人走 一起走 走出去"! Happy new year!
Our 2023 Ubon Mission Team dancing through Ubon 🇹🇭
We are counting down to our highly anticipated Christmas service! 🎄See you tomorrow for worship, skit performances and a jolly good time! 🤩
经文:路2:10-11, 太5:9

The Lord has never given up on us. Through Christ Jesus, He restores our harmony with Him - a trait that's within His people!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! 🎄
Let's celebrate the day of His birth this Christmas - grab a friend and join us for our service on 24 Dec for a time of praise, fun and games. Register now at agapesingapore.com/joy. See you there!
Our local and overseas Christmas outreach is in full swing! Let's keep these outreach efforts in prayer, that He will equip and empower His people to touch the lives of the pre-believers 🎄
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