Camp Reg 2025 爱加倍生活营 Agape Church Camp Registration "*" indicates required fields "*" 请务必填写 (indicates required fields) 填写表格之前,请备齐以下所需 Before filling out the form, you need to prepare: 护照 Passport线上付款应用程序 Your e-banking app室友的个人资料,包括护照 Your Roommate's personal details, including passport details决定你一家需要几间房-此表格是一间房间,一份表格 Decision on how many rooms you and your family will need - note that each form submission is for 1 room 点击此链接了解营会更多详情Click here for more info about the camp 房间设置 Room Options 最终价格 Final Fee: $680 注 Note: 一个房间最多可容纳 2 个成人和 2个 12 岁以下儿童,或 A maximum of 2 adults and 2 children below 12 years allowed in one room only, or 一个房间最多可容纳 3 个成人。A maximum of 3 adults allowed in one room only.我房有几个成人 (No. of Adults in this room)*几个12岁或以上的成人 How many adults (12 years and above) 三人 (加床)Three (add rollaway bed) - $320 x 3 两人 (Two) - $340 x 2 一人 (One) - $450 我房有带宝宝 (No. of children 4 years and under in this room)*几个4岁及以下的孩童 How many children (4 years and under)没有 (No)12我房有带孩子 (No. of children from 5 - 11 years in the same room)*几个5-11岁的孩童 How many children (5 to 11 years)没有 (No)1 ($120)2 ($240)3 ($320)孩子需要加床吗?Do you need a rollaway bed for your child?*每间房间只能加一张床。Each room can only have a maximum of one rollaway bed.noyes (+$60)个人资料 Personal Details护照姓名 (Passport Name)* English 中文 性别 (Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 出生日期 (Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 国籍 (Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)联络号码 (Contact)*护照号码 (Passport Number)* 护照有效期 (Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 紧急联络人 (Emergency Contact Name)* 紧急联络号码 (Emergency Contact Number)* 饮食限制 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 我有兴趣参与以下服事 I am interested in serving as委员诚邀你的参与!请在力所能及的情况下注明你愿意参与的项目。本营会希望有更多服事者,每人负责一小部分,群策群力,发挥爱加倍精神。注: 你的选项可以超过一个,委员们将会按照需要在一个项目中联系并分配你参与。The committee needs your help! Where possible, please indicate your interest in helping out in the following areas. We hope to have more people serving so that each person only needs to serve for one timeslot. Note that this is not mandatory, and you may select multiple options. The respective ICs will reach out to you in only one area of service if they need your help. 敬拜与祷告 Worship & Prayer 主领Worship Leader 助唱Vocalist 司琴Keyboardist 吉他手Guitarist 贝斯手Bassist 鼓手Drummer 代祷勇士Prayer Warrior 谢饭祷告 Thanksgiving for Meals 节目Activities 小组组长Group Leader 游戏助手Games helper 带领早操 Lead Morning Exercise 服事乐龄弟兄姐妹 Serving the Seniors 助手(入住时协助乐龄弟兄姐妹登记、陪同他们到饭店房间、等等)Helper (help seniors with registration and lead them to rooms) 导游(在自由活动时间带乐龄游览马六甲)Tour Guide (bring seniors around Malacca during free time) 交通 Transport 巴士车长Bus Captain 载送到营地(我车子有空位,4号出发)Drive People To Hotel (I have extra seats in my car and go on the first day) 回程载送(我车子有空位,7号离开营地)Drive People from Hotel (I have extra seats in my car and leave on the last day) 招待 Usher 登记(负责分发房卡、名牌、手册)Registration (distribution of room cards, name tags, handbook, etc) 接待(负责监测时间、引导参加者到下一个活动场所、等)Usher (Keep track of time and lead attendees to the next activity) 媒体 Media 投影(负责准备和操作投影片)Visualiser (prepare and click on slides) 音响师 Soundman 摄影师(可以使用手机)Photographer (use handphone) 录影师(可以使用手机)Videographer (use handphone) 社交媒体记者 Social Media Reporter 后勤支持 Logistics 运送物品/器材Transporting items/equipment 茶点管理(负责保持清洁和库存充足)Pantry Keeper (keep the pantry clean and stocked up) 房间联络人(在房间出现问题时提供帮助)Room Liaison (help out if rooms have issues) 医药First-aider 服事儿童 Serving Children 老师/助教 Teaching/Assistant Teacher 室友一之个人资料 Roommate 1 Personal Details室友一护照姓名 (Roommate 1 Passport Name)* English 中文 室友一性别 (Roommate1 Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 室友一出生日期 (Roommate1 Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 室友一国籍 (Roommate1 Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)室友一联络号码 (Roommate1 Contact)*室友一护照号码 (Roommate1 Passport Number)* 室友一护照有效期 (Roommate1 Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 室友一紧急联络人 (Roommate1 Emergency Contact Name)* 室友一紧急联络号码 (Roommate1 Emergency Contact Number)* 室友一关系 (Relationship with Roommate1)*Eg: 夫妻,朋友 等 (eg spouse, friends etc) 室友一饮食限制 Roommate1 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 室友一有兴趣参与以下服事 Roommate1 is interested in serving as委员诚邀你的参与!请在力所能及的情况下注明你愿意参与的项目。本营会希望有更多服事者,每人负责一小部分,群策群力,发挥爱加倍精神。注: 你的选项可以超过一个,委员们将会按照需要在一个项目中联系并分配你参与。The committee needs your help! Where possible, please indicate your interest in helping out in the following areas. We hope to have more people serving so that each person only needs to serve for one timeslot. Note that this is not mandatory, and you may select multiple options. The respective ICs will reach out to you in only one area of service if they need your help. 敬拜与祷告 Worship & Prayer 主领Worship Leader 助唱Vocalist 司琴Keyboardist 吉他手Guitarist 贝斯手Bassist 鼓手Drummer 代祷勇士Prayer Warrior 谢饭祷告 Thanksgiving for Meals 节目Activities 小组组长Group Leader 游戏助手Games helper 带领早操 Lead Morning Exercise 服事乐龄弟兄姐妹 Serving the Seniors 助手(入住时协助乐龄弟兄姐妹登记、陪同他们到饭店房间、等等)Helper (help seniors with registration and lead them to rooms) 导游(在自由活动时间带乐龄游览马六甲)Tour Guide (bring seniors around Malacca during free time) 交通 Transport 巴士车长Bus Captain 载送到营地(我车子有空位,4号出发)Drive People To Hotel (I have extra seats in my car and go on the first day) 回程载送(我车子有空位,7号离开营地)Drive People from Hotel (I have extra seats in my car and leave on the last day) 招待 Usher 登记(负责分发房卡、名牌、手册)Registration (distribution of room cards, name tags, handbook, etc) 接待(负责监测时间、引导参加者到下一个活动场所、等)Usher (Keep track of time and lead attendees to the next activity) 媒体 Media 投影(负责准备和操作投影片)Visualiser (prepare and click on slides) 音响师 Soundman 摄影师(可以使用手机)Photographer (use handphone) 录影师(可以使用手机)Videographer (use handphone) 社交媒体记者 Social Media Reporter 后勤支持 Logistics 运送物品/器材Transporting items/equipment 茶点管理(负责保持清洁和库存充足)Pantry Keeper (keep the pantry clean and stocked up) 房间联络人(在房间出现问题时提供帮助)Room Liaison (help out if rooms have issues) 医药First-aider 服事儿童 Serving Children 老师/助教 Teaching/Assistant Teacher 室友二之个人资料 Roommate 2 Personal Details室友二护照姓名 (Roommate2 Passport Name)* English 中文 室友二性别 (Roommate2 Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 室友二出生日期 (Roommate2 Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 室友二国籍 (Roommate2 Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)室友二联络号码 (Roommate2 Contact)*室友二护照号码 (Roommate2 Passport Number)* 室友二护照有效期 (Roommate2 Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 室友二紧急联络姓名 (Roommate2 Emergency Contact Name)* 室友二紧急联络号码 (Roommate2 Emergency Contact Number)* 室友二关系 (Relationship with Roommate2)*Eg: 夫妻,朋友 等 (eg spouse, friends etc) 室友二饮食限制 Roommate2 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 室友二有兴趣参与以下服事 Roommate2 is interested in serving as委员诚邀你的参与!请在力所能及的情况下注明你愿意参与的项目。本营会希望有更多服事者,每人负责一小部分,群策群力,发挥爱加倍精神。注: 你的选项可以超过一个,委员们将会按照需要在一个项目中联系并分配你参与。The committee needs your help! Where possible, please indicate your interest in helping out in the following areas. We hope to have more people serving so that each person only needs to serve for one timeslot. Note that this is not mandatory, and you may select multiple options. The respective ICs will reach out to you in only one area of service if they need your help. 敬拜与祷告 Worship & Prayer 主领Worship Leader 助唱Vocalist 司琴Keyboardist 吉他手Guitarist 贝斯手Bassist 鼓手Drummer 代祷勇士Prayer Warrior 谢饭祷告 Thanksgiving for Meals 节目Activities 小组组长Group Leader 游戏助手Games helper 带领早操 Lead Morning Exercise 服事乐龄弟兄姐妹 Serving the Seniors 助手(入住时协助乐龄弟兄姐妹登记、陪同他们到饭店房间、等等)Helper (help seniors with registration and lead them to rooms) 导游(在自由活动时间带乐龄游览马六甲)Tour Guide (bring seniors around Malacca during free time) 交通 Transport 巴士车长Bus Captain 载送到营地(我车子有空位,4号出发)Drive People To Hotel (I have extra seats in my car and go on the first day) 回程载送(我车子有空位,7号离开营地)Drive People from Hotel (I have extra seats in my car and leave on the last day) 招待 Usher 登记(负责分发房卡、名牌、手册)Registration (distribution of room cards, name tags, handbook, etc) 接待(负责监测时间、引导参加者到下一个活动场所、等)Usher (Keep track of time and lead attendees to the next activity) 媒体 Media 投影(负责准备和操作投影片)Visualiser (prepare and click on slides) 音响师 Soundman 摄影师(可以使用手机)Photographer (use handphone) 录影师(可以使用手机)Videographer (use handphone) 社交媒体记者 Social Media Reporter 后勤支持 Logistics 运送物品/器材Transporting items/equipment 茶点管理(负责保持清洁和库存充足)Pantry Keeper (keep the pantry clean and stocked up) 房间联络人(在房间出现问题时提供帮助)Room Liaison (help out if rooms have issues) 医药First-aider 服事儿童 Serving Children 老师/助教 Teaching/Assistant Teacher 孩童一资料 (Child 1 Details)孩童一护照姓名 (Child 1 Passport Name)* English 中文 孩童一性别 (Child 1 Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 孩童一出生日期 (Child 1 Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 孩童一护照号码 (Child 1 Passport Number)* 孩童一护照有效期 (Child 1 Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 孩童一国籍 (Child 1 Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)孩童一饮食限制 Child 1 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 孩童二资料 (Child 2 Details)孩童二护照姓名 (Child 2 Passport Name)* English 中文 孩童二性别 (Child 2 Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 孩童二出生日期 (Child 2 Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 孩童二护照号码 (Child 2 Passport Number)* 孩童二护照有效期 (Child 2 Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 孩童二国籍 (Child 2 Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)孩童二饮食限制 Child 2 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 孩童三资料 (Child 3 Details)孩童三护照姓名 (Child 3 Passport Name)* English 中文 孩童三性别 (Child 3 Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 孩童三出生日期 (Child 3 Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 孩童三护照号码 (Child 3 Passport Number)* 孩童三护照有效期 (Child 3 Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 孩童三国籍 (Child 3 Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)孩童三饮食限制 Child 3 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 宝宝一资料 (Baby 1 Details)宝宝一护照姓名 (Baby 1 Passport Name)* English 中文 宝宝一性别 (Baby 1 Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 宝宝一出生日期 (Baby 1 Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 宝宝一护照号码 (Baby 1 Passport Number)* 宝宝一护照有效期 (Baby 1 Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 宝宝一国籍 (Baby 1 Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)宝宝一饮食限制 Baby 1 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 宝宝二资料 (Baby 2 Details)宝宝二护照姓名 (Baby2 Passport Name)* English 中文 宝宝二性别 (Baby 2 Gender)* 男 (Male) 女 (Female) 宝宝二出生日期 (Baby 2 Date of Birth)* DD slash MM slash YYYY 宝宝二护照号码 (Baby 2 Passport Number)* 宝宝二护照有效期 (Baby 2 Passport Expiry Date)*请确保你的护照有效期是 8/12/2025 以后。若你的护照即将过期,你还是可以报名,不过请尽快更新护照并通知我们你的新护照资料。Please ensure that your passport expiry is after 8 December 2025. You may still register if your passport is expiring before that, but please renew your passport soon and update us your new passport details. DD slash MM slash YYYY 宝宝二国籍 (Baby 2 Nationality)*新加坡 (Singapore)马来西亚 (Malaysia)印尼 (Indonesia)中国 (China) - 需要签证 visa required台湾 (Taiwan)越南 (Vietnam)缅甸 (Myanmar)菲力宾 (Philippines)泰国 (Thailand)宝宝二饮食限制 Baby 2 Dietary Restrictions有什么食物是会导致过敏的吗?Are you allergic to anything? Leave blank if not. 表达乘搭之交通工具的意愿 (Transport Interest) 请表达你使用交通工具到营地的意愿。委员会将按照需要交通工具的人数来决定租用哪种交通工具。交通费明年才会确定,以下是预估价格,供参考。价钱确定后,我们会通知你付款。Please select your preferred mode of transport to the hotel. The committee will book the necessary transport options and confirm the pricing next year. You only need to pay for this closer to date. 私租巴士(往返)Chartered Bus (2-way) +$65*请注明这间房间有几位(包括孩童) 会选择私租巴士。每人大约$65. Select how many in this room (including children) will take this option for transport. ~$65 per pax.0123自驾 Self-drive*请注明这间房间有几位(包括孩童) 会选择自驾。 Select how many in this room (including children) will take this option for transport.01234自行安排 Self-arrangement*请注明这间房间有几位(包括孩童) 会选择自行安排。 Select how many in this room (including children) will take this option for transport.01234表达购买旅游保险的意愿 (Travel Insurance Interest) 请表达你购买旅游保险的意愿。旅游保险是个可选项目,若你有需要,可先注明你的意愿。保险费明年才会确定,以下是预估价格,供参考。价钱确定后,我们会通知你付款。Travel Insurance is an option, if you would like the church to help purchase travel insurance for you, you may indicate accordingly. Do note that we are only able to confirm the insurance fees next year, but you may refer to the below for an indicative pricing. You only need to pay for this closer to date. 成人旅游保险 (21岁或以上) Adult Travel Insurance (21 years old and above) + $40*请注明这间房间有几位成人需要教会帮忙购买旅游保险。 每人$40. Select how many in this room will require the church to help purchase adult travel insurance. $40 per pax.0123未成年旅游保险 (1-20岁) Child Travel Insurance (1-20years old) + $25*请注明这间房间有几位未成年需要教会帮忙购买旅游保险。 每人$25. Select how many in this room will require the church to help purchase child travel insurance. $25 per pax.01232025 爱加倍生活营(以下简称 “生活营”)的条款和条件Terms & Conditions of the 2025 Agape Church Camp (the “Camp”)通过报名参加生活营,我, 确认我理解并同意以下内容:By registering for the Camp, I, confirm that I understand and agree to the following: 通过报名参加生活营,我, 并代表确认我们理解并同意以下内容:By registering for the Camp, I, and on behalf of confirm that we understand and agree to the following:放弃与免除赔偿 我自愿参加由爱加倍堂(以下简称 “爱加倍”)于 2025 年 6 月 4 日至 7 日在马来西亚马六甲举办的生活营。我了解在外出中会有意外发生的可能性。 我确信生活营的委员(以下简称 “委员”)会尽力照料我在生活营中的需要。我在此授权委员和爱加倍的同工在必要时让我接受专业与及时的医疗。 我特此放弃、免除并解除爱加倍、其雇员/同工和委员因生活营和我在参加生活营过程中遭受或造成的任何损害、损失、疾病、伤害和/或死亡所引起的的任何索赔,包括由此产生的所有费用和开支。 同意收集个人资料 我确认在生活营期间及为生活营的缘故,我的个人资料(包括但不限于全名、电邮地址、联络电话等)将会被收集。我同意爱加倍及委员收集和使用我在此表格中提供的个人资料,仅用于与生活营的安排和管理有关的用途。我了解爱加倍及委员将尽力保密处理我的个人资料。 Waiver & Release of Indemnity I am voluntarily participating in the Camp organised by Agape Christian Centre (“Agape”) from 4 to 7 June 2025 in Malacca, Malaysia. I am aware of the inherent or potential risks and hazards associated with my participation in the Camp. I understand that the organising committee of the Camp (“Committee”) would put in their utmost effort in taking care of my well-being during the Camp. I hereby grant the Committee and Agape's staff the authority and discretion to obtain certified emergency medical treatment as necessary. I hereby waive, release and discharge Agape, its employees/staff and the Committee from any claim whatsoever and howsoever arising out of any damage, loss, illness, injury and/or death suffered or caused in connection with the Camp and my participation in the same including all costs and expenses incurred as a result of such claims. Consent to Collection of Personal Data I acknowledge that my personal data (including but not limited to full name, email address, contact number etc) will be taken and collected during and for the purpose of the Camp. I hereby consent to the collection and use of my personal data provided in this form by Agape and the Committee for the purposes related solely to the organisation and management of the Camp. I understand that Agape and the Committee will use all reasonable efforts to keep my personal data confidential.付款 Payment 请确保你已经完成资料填写才进行付款。Please ensure that you have completed all fields above before proceeding with payment. 请注意,所支付款一律不得退还。Please note that payment is non-refundable. 你的营会费用是 Your Church Camp Fee is: $680 PayNow 电子转账T00SS0010BACC请注明:camp (Please state 'camp' as reference number) 上载付款证明 (Upload Payment Reference)*Max. file size: 80 MB.请使用“Choose File"上载PayNow 付款的截图。如以下图所显示,截图中必须清楚显示转账编号。 Please click on 'choose file' to take a photo and upload your PayNow Transaction Details (it must show the Transaction Reference Number). 邮址 (Email)请输入你的邮址以接收确认通知电邮。Enter your email to receive an email confirmation (do check junkbox). 室友一邮址 (Roommate1 Email)请输入你室友一的邮址以接收确认通知电邮。Enter your roommate's email to also receive an email confirmation (do check junkbox). 室友二邮址 (Roommate2 Email)请输入你室友二的邮址以接收确认通知电邮。Enter your roommate's email to also receive an email confirmation (do check junkbox).